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Alchemy 101 Fall 2024
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Sept 15 - The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Group Meditation (8:55)
Writing Exercise - Contract with Myself (5:25)
Introducing the Process (16:04)
The Jungian Psyche (10:55)
Alchemy - The Four Stages (14:45)
Wrap up & Homework (13:50)
Group Discussion (35:09)
Texts & Materials
Sept 29 - The above is of the below and the below is of the above.
Group Meditation (13:36)
Writing Exercise - What is my Authority? (3:15)
Retranslations and New Interpretative Layers (15:52)
Retranslations and Jungian Theory (13:41)
The Colonizer Within - Tyranny of Knowledge (12:39)
Writing Exercise - The Unifying Essence (1:24)
Wrap up & Homework (12:13)
Group Discussion (45:50)
Texts & Materials
Miracles are done by one, as all things are from one, by one will/intention.
Group Meditation (11:31)
Genesis & Exodus Discussion - Part 1 (18:14)
Genesis & Exodus Discussion - Part 2 (18:35)
Genesis & Exodus Discussion - Part 3 (19:13)
Genesis & Exodus Discussion - Part 4 (7:05)
Wrap up & Homework (10:11)
Final Thoughts & Discussion (20:57)
Texts & Materials
His father is the sun, his mother the moon, the wind carried him in her belly, and the earth nursed him.
Group Meditation (14:00)
Tarot - Reading without Bounds (7:25)
Group 1 - The Fools
Group 2 - Souljourners (125:48)
Group 3 - Uncertain Change of Home (126:20)
Group 4 - Essence Seekers (67:13)
Group 5 (75:32)
Wrap up & Homework (13:55)
Group Discussion (28:00)
Texts and Materials
Nov 10 - Father of talismans, keeper of wonders, complete in power, fire became earth.
Meditation & Movement (13:41)
Sigil Magic (5:52)
Writing Exercises - Below, above, and between (15:21)
Wrap up & Homework (7:28)
Group Discussion (28:58)
Texts and Materials
Separate the earth from the fire.
Group Meditation with Jesse Cale (12:07)
Writing Exercise - Awakening the Anima (25:21)
Interim Discussions (10:48)
Earthseeds: The Maroons, 1739 (18:06)
Uncertain Change of Home: The Chuquisaca Revolution, 1809 (28:29)
Essence Seekers: The Golden Stool, 1900 (16:49)
Meditating Monks: Taqui Onkoy, 1560 (24:54)
Wrap up & Homework (6:44)
Group Discussion (46:30)
Texts & Materials
The subtle is more generous than the dense.
Intro & Group Meditation (12:37)
Debate Preamble & Prep (13:28)
Is Hari Human? Round 1 (21:08)
Is Hari Human? Round 2 (12:48)
Q&A Round (23:51)
Closing Statements (6:21)
Jury's Feedback (17:46)
Final Thoughts (20:02)
Wrap up & Homework (10:11)
Open Discussion (26:38)
Texts & Materials
Gentle and wise, he rises from earth to heaven, and descends from heaven to earth.
Labels, Language, and Dehumanization - Discussion (35:46)
Group Meditation (12:29)
The Ascent and Descent Tarot Spread (11:28)
Wrap up & Homework (17:50)
Group Discussion - Lebanon Retreat? Pt. 1 (24:46)
Group Discussion - Lebanon Retreat? Pt. 2 (31:45)
Texts & Materials
Email Materials Requested by Amaris
And in him is strength from above and below.
Intro & Group Meditation (15:05)
Debate Prep & the Burden of Choice (10:13)
Opening Statements (11:48)
Rebuttals (8:28)
Crossfire (12:39)
Q&A (21:44)
Closing Statements (7:57)
Jury's Feedback (8:12)
Twitchy Feedback (9:29)
Homework (3:09)
Group Discussion 1 (24:49)
Group Discussion 2 (39:03)
Texts & Materials
Because he has the light of lights, darkness flees from him.
Intro & Group Meditation (15:21)
Exercise 1 - My Most Dramatic Overreaction (4:52)
Exercise 2 - When I was the Villain (2:13)
Exercise 3 - The Worst Advice I Could Give Myself (0:56)
Exercise 4 - The Petty Hill I'll Die On (1:05)
Exercise 5 - My Terrible Life Motto (2:10)
Interim Discussions (41:05)
Performance 1 - Erick, Quinn, and Angie (4:09)
Performance 2 - Yura, Amaris, and Atta (9:19)
Performance 3 - Bonnie, Noan, and Andy (3:35)
Performance 4 - Natalie, Stephania, and Amneh (4:14)
Performance 5 - Rebecca, Evan, and Erika (3:30)
Performance 6 - Alice, Fionnuala, and Juni (4:31)
Performance 7 - Nur, Lita, and Traci (3:18)
Wrap up & Homework (14:30)
Open Discussion (40:30)
Texts & Materials
Strength of strength, he overcomes all things subtle, and penetrates all things dense.
Intro & Group Meditation (13:01)
Writing Exercise 1 (5:30)
Writing Exercise 2 (1:44)
Subtle & Dense Spread (16:03)
Wrap up & Homework (17:41)
Group Discussion 1 (32:42)
Group Discussion 2 (37:21)
Texts & Materials
Mar 2
Prelim discussion (15:12)
Group Meditation (16:29)
Debate Preamble & Prep (11:22)
Jury's Initial Thoughts (15:07)
Round 1 - Opening Statements & Rebuttals (17:35)
Round 2 - Twist (7:33)
Round 3 - Q&A (22:44)
Round 4 - Ethical Dilemma (7:53)
Round 5 - Closing Statements (8:30)
Jury Deliberating (29:27)
Checking on the Teams (12:49)
Jury's Feedback (10:12)
Wrap up & Homework (5:22)
Group Discussion (21:47)
Texts & Materials
Mar 23
This is my pride and that is why I was named Hermes of Triune Wisdom.
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Is Hari Human? Round 2
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